Private Clouds

What is a cloud?

Ask a hundred people and you'll get one hundred and one answers! 

These are some common features that most people in the industry would agree on:

  • Virtualization - In one form or another most cloud solutions rely on virtualization.
  • Secure Multi-tenancy - The ability to securely seperate customers / business units on common infrastructure
  • Rapid deployment - Enables a rapid response to market changes
  • Pay as you go - Buy only the resources you require.
  • Multi-site portability - Having multiple sites within a common configuration domain enables services to migrate easily from one site to another, either for cost efficiency, performance or for data protection / DR /BCP purposes.

We are experts in deploying Private Cloud solutions or migrating legacy Data Centers to a Private Cloud Solution.

Migrating Legacy Data Centers

Migrating a legacy Data Center to a Private Cloud solution can achieve the following:

  • Reduce risk
  • Increase flexibility
  • Reduce costs
  • Increase ROI

Migrating your existing data center to a Cloud like solution can often reduce the space and power usage by as much as three quarters while increasing fault tolerance and often improving performance.